Home - News & Events - Walsn was recently the successful bidder for the boiler flame detection system on Unit 2 of Sinkiang Zhundong Wucaiwan Beiyi Power Plant 1

Walsn was recently the successful bidder for the boiler flame detection system on Unit 2 of Sinkiang Zhundong Wucaiwan Beiyi Power Plant 1



Walsn was recently the successful bidder for the boiler flame detection system on Unit 2 of Sinkiang Zhundong Wucaiwan Beiyi Power Plant 1. The Sinkiang Zhundong Wucaiwan Beiyi Power Plant was created to supply power for the businesses and residents along the coastal areas of eastern China.

The Sinkiang Zhundong Wucaiwan Beiyi Power Plant project consists of 2 x 660 MW coal burning boilers. The Walsn Flame Detection System (Walsn FDS) provides real-time analysis of the physical properties of the boiler flame.

Walsn FDS collects and enlarges the flame signal, then estimates whether the flame exists or not via a series of calculations. The system outputs, in the real time, the different flame quality information with respect to each burner.

Even if the flame is not of a constant or significant size, the Walsn FDS is able to accurately read a high frequency of flicker and will provide optimal detection of flame in the burner. Should the flame extinguish or become abnormal in operation the Walsn FDS will send a fault alarm to the plant's Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) or Furnace Safety Supervision System (FSSS). The FSSS will then suspend the fuel supply and avoid the accumulation of combustible materials in the burner and prevent the burner from possible explosion.

The Walsn FDS is a crucial element in the FSSS and is essential for real time and accurate flame detection in systems that utilize fuels such as coal, propane, natural gas or oil and is vital in operating any flame boiler system efficiently and safely.