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Walsn Attends APPrO 2010:The 22nd Annual Canadian Power Conference and Networking Centre


Held in Toronto, Ontario, on November 16 and 17, 2010, under the motto: “Making Green Sustainable: Responsibly Rebalancing the System”, the annual Association of Power Producers of Ontario conference, or the APPrO, is the leading event of its type in Canada. The APPrO conference is presented in co-ordination with the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association Community Power Conference and is the most comprehensive trade show in the Canadian power-gen field. The conference addresses the top issues of the day in terms of a cleaner, greener and more effective power production.

Leading the way to a Green Economy and a Cleaner Environment, Ontario's Green Energy Act is in place for over a year now, which enables the focus to shift to the next stage of its evolution. At the same time as generation proponents seek to streamline and solidify various parts of the procurement process, control overall costs has become an increasingly important priority, and therefore constituted the main focus of the APPrO 2010. The issues addressed in the conference included the areas in which the costs of green power can be more effectively managed, where can infrastructure that serves green energy be made more economic by combining it with that which serves broader power system needs, what will be sustainable as well as affordable going forward, and many more.

Walsn Enterprises Ltd. representatives had attended the conference and had created some new connections and relationships with various leading companies in the power-gen field, alongside maintaining and broadening existing ones. Walsn reports some tremendously successful communications with top of the line companies and organizations, and expressed it's enthusiasm towards joining forces for the important goal of a cleaner, healthier environment. Walsn will not only continue to contribute from its knowledge and high-quality products to the coal-fired thermal power industry, but is also committed to expanding its research and development work for the purpose of creating new technologies to satisfy the growing new needs of the human kind.