Home - News & Events - Walsn introduces the new CEA-1000 Combustion Efficiency Analyzing System

Walsn introduces the new CEA-1000 Combustion Efficiency Analyzing System


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Walsn is pleased to launch its newest combustion analysis tool: the CEA-1000. This system measures multi-parameter combustion efficiency with CO and/or oxygen concentrations, providing more choices for different operating conditions of combustion systems. The CEA-1000 is well-suited for steelmaking furnaces, coal-fired boilers, incinerators, and other high-temperature combustion systems.

Control of boiler combustion efficiency is closely related to the fidelity and resolution of measuring gas concentrations – in the flue, furnace, and other parts of the combustion system. Conventionally, oxygen is measured to determine what amount of air supply is appropriate. However, there are always some uncertainties between the measured and actual value of oxygen within the combustion system: caused by variations in fuel quality, air distribution, zero drift, stratification of flue gasses, and other factors. If conditions change, the optimal oxygen operating point will deviate from the design value, requiring the control set point to change. Measuring oxygen alone is thus inadequate.

The CEA-1000 solves this problem by sampling from multiple locations within the system and sampling more than just oxygen concentration, and integrating these measurements to reduce measurement uncertainties. This results in a far more efficient and optimal combustion process, increasing productivity and reducing pollution. Our client testing has proven the CEA-1000 has:

·         Increased boiler working efficiency by 0.49%

·         Decreased NOx emission at the outlet of the furnace by 5%

·         Reduced CO furnace concentrations from 10% to 2%

·         Reduced risks of high-temperature corrosion and coking of boiler


·         Sampling Probe

o   Multiple sampling probes available, adaptable to various conditions

o   Optimal operating temperature between 600-1350

o   Hydrophobic nanomaterial dust separation technology filters out dust and other pollutants from contaminating sampling tube, extending the life of probes between maintenance periods

o   Heat tracing technology prevents flue gas condensate from blocking gas piping

o   Compressed air pulse blowback can flush out dust from the sampling pipe

·         Sampling Gas Processing Unit

o   Unique sampling technology removes salt compounds from flue gas, extending the life of the probe between maintenance periods

o   Gas condensation system dehydrates flue gas, preventing water moisture from interfering with measurement

·         Detecting Unit

o   Versatile multi-measurement and multi-probe system compatible with a wide variety of operating conditions, available in both electrochemical and infrared sensor suites

o   Double alternating high-sensitivity electrochemical sensors, reducing wear due to pollution

o   High efficiency infrared light source maintains constant temperature control, reducing the influence of ambient temperature on the combustion process

o   Atmospheric pressure algorithm compensates for pressure changes on the combustion process from air provision and other control factors

·         Multi-Parameter Combustion Efficiency Analyzing System for flue CO measurements:

o   Improves the dynamic matching of air in the boiler

o   Reduces the wave frequency and amplitude of excess air coefficient

o   Reduces NOx occurrence and improves boiler working efficiency

·         Multi-Parameter Combustion Efficiency Analyzing System for furnace CO measurements:

o   Provides reference data for combustion air distribution

o   Reduces CO and H2S concentrations around the cooling water wall

o   Reduces high corrosion occurrence

Find out what the CEA-1000 can do for you! Contact Walsn for this product and others, at info@walsn.com