Home - News & Events - Walsn and our representative in Atlantic Canada, ScotiaTech, displayed at the 2017 ACWWA Annual Conference

Walsn and our representative in Atlantic Canada, ScotiaTech, displayed at the 2017 ACWWA Annual Conference


Walsn and our representative in Atlantic Canada, ScotiaTech, displayed at the 2017 ACWWA (Atlantic Canada Water and Wastewater Association) Annual Conference in Charlottetown, PEI on October 15 - 18th 2017.


The conference organizing committee worked very hard at making this a memorable event for everyone and there could not have been a better location for the event as Canada celebrated its 150th anniversary. Charlottetown is the birthplace of Canadian confederation and the water and wastewater industry has played an important role in the development of this great nation over the last 150 years and will continue to be critical to long term prosperity.


Everything from the technical sessions that started on Monday morning to the Wednesday night close with the Down East Feast. This year's conference had something for everyone including the traditional favorites like golf at the Glasgow Hills Golf Club, technical tours, the ABEA tradeshow, the ever popular ABEA Hospitality night at Old Triangle with Raglan Road playing the music, the YP Mixer at the Merchantman Pub, Top Ops competition, the Water Tower competition at the opening Meet & Greet. This was a well-run and highly organized three day conference. As well as the high caliber technical papers that were offered this was a trade show that was well attended by industry professionals, presenters, exhibitors, and their companions.


The technical sessions featured topics like Emerging Issues with Lead; Hawkesbury the First HYBAS Plant in Canada; Geotextile Dewatering Systems, Use of Membrane Adsorbent Bioreactor (MABR) Technology for the Removal of Phosphorus in Municipal Wastewater Systems; and Smart Sewers: An Emerging Strategy for Modern Canadian Cities as well as many more. And for the companions of the show attendees they offered events like the East Coast Art Party and the Rum Runner Tour.

Some attendees even became honorary islanders by:

1.Enjoying an oyster from the shores of PEI (protected by the excellent wastewater treatment plant operators of PEI).

2.Enjoying an island beverage made of mostly great quality municipally supplied water. Like a local craft beer.

3.Don an Anne of Green Gables wig.

Once you complete all 3 you become an Honorary Islander.The highlight of the event was the generosity of the attendees as the money raised for Water for People was amazing. The final windup banquet alone raised in excess of $5,000. Be sure to go and visit the Walsn Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/walsnenterprises/and see the live video shot from the event, including the bidding war for the 1st table to eat at the banquet and the live performance of Meaghan Blanchard.