Home - News & Events - Walsn's Oxygen Analyzers in the Xinjiang Guotai Xinhua power plant demonstrates outstanding results

Walsn's Oxygen Analyzers in the Xinjiang Guotai Xinhua power plant demonstrates outstanding results


Whilst checking the accomplishment of Walsn's Oxygen Analyzers at the Xinjiang Guotai Xinhua power plant, it was verified by both the service engineer and the customer that the cutting-edge analyzers have not only output a more accurate oxygen concentration in the combustion flue gas, but also benefited the user with their high and stable performance. With the help of Walsn's oxygen analyzers, the operators have been enabled to more accurately adjust the fuel/air ratio and hence to improve the overall combustion efficiency.

The engineer from Walsn was given high praise for his Technical Skills, High Quality Customer Service and exemplary professional attitude.


Xinjiang Guotai Xinhua Power Plant


Walsn’s Oxygen Analyzer Series

The OAM series of Oxygen Analyzers are ideal for continuously measuring the oxygen concentration in flue gases of boilers and furnaces.

The OAM-800 is an integrated stand-alone oxygen analyzer in which the zirconium oxide cell is placed directly in the stream of the products of combustion.

The OAM-800-R is designed for remote control.

The integrated or remote analyzer features high accuracy and low maintenance.