Home - News & Events - Walsn announces it's full commitment to Canadian Electricity Association's Comprehensive White Paper regarding Smart Grid in Canada's electricity system

Walsn announces it's full commitment to Canadian Electricity Association's Comprehensive White Paper regarding Smart Grid in Canada's electricity system


On December 6th 2010, the Canadian electricity sector, through their national association, released an important State of Play that takes a pragmatic view on the way forward for Smart Grid in Canada's electricity system. The paper discusses the key building blocks and functionalities of the Smart Grid, and cautions that a value-based approach to modernizing the electricity grid – one that sees vendors, policy-makers, regulators and utilities working together - will ensure that the customer is able to recognize the full value of each installed component of the Smart Grid.

Ultimately, any proposed element of the Smart Grid will have to answer to one or more of the paper's objectives, and offer advances in grid resilience, environmental performance or operational efficiencies to be able to prove its value to the customer.

CEA President and CEO Pierre Guimond is confident that the paper will better frame the Smart Grid discussion for all stakeholders, provoking an honest Smart Grid assessment that re-focuses on utility fundamentals. “I am certain that this initiative will set a path to building a better grid and will serve our customers well”, he said. “We will be better able to do what we do best – make, move and sell electricity”.

Walsn Enterprises Ltd. announces it's full commitment to the new requirements and standards presented by the CEA and guarantees that as always, the company will maintain providing it's customers with high-quality products and top of the line service to meet these new and improved standards. Walsn also stresses it's complete support of the principles of the Smart Grid electricity system which are coherent with the company's vision and core values of efficiency improvement, transparency, reliability, cutting-edge technology, energy saving and environmental protection.

The Canadian Electricity Association encourages frank and open discussion about some of the options and challenges Canadians must face with respect to the modernization and greening of Canada's electricity system. Walsn Enterprises Ltd. is delighted to join the CEA in this highly important effort for raising public awareness of this critical issue and is looking forward to working together towards an advanced, more efficient electricity system. Walsn is fully committed to the development of environmentally-friendly products and is proud to take part in the tremendously important struggle for a greener, healthier environment.