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Walsn Analytical Instruments in GNPower Kauswagan



Combustion Efficiency Analyzer (CEA) in GNPower Kauswagan

In order to facilitate the power plant’s operational efficiency and stability, the service team from Walsn have offered regular visits to the plant, assisting local engineers to carry out the comprehensive inspection on Walsn CEA instruments. By providing continuous monitoring and reliable measurement data, Walsn analyzers are proving to be highly valuable and received approval from the user. 

GNPower Kauswagan

Located in Kauswagan, Lanao Del Norte, Philippines, GNPower Kauswagan (GNPK) is a 4x138MW coal-fired power plant developed by GNPower Ltd. Co. Dubbed as the “best new entrant power plant in Mindanao offering sub-P5”, GNPK offers the lowest price among comparable suppliers as evidenced by its contracts with 21 electric cooperatives which were won after a large-scale competitive bidding and have, likewise, obtained approvals from the Energy Regulatory Commission, according to its company profile. 


Walsn service engineer carries out the comprehensive inspection on Walsn instruments in GNPower Kauswagan Power Station

Combustion Efficiency Analyzer


CEA-100 combustion efficiency analyzer continuously detects the contents of carbon monoxide (CO) and oxygen (O₂) in flue gas based on duplicate sensor technology. It provides an accurate, reliable and economical solution for boiler efficiency measurement. Designed for ease of maintenance and packaged for the industrial environment, CEA-100 is simple to install.


--Cutting-edge technology and free from disturbances such as loading, coal, etc.

--An outside chance to be disturbed by the air leakage of the flue

--Easy to achieve minimum heat loss and maximum combustion efficiency

--A new strategy to control combustion – adjusting the air volume through analyzing concentration of CO and O₂

--Continuously monitoring and preventing high temperature corrosion on water wall tubes

For more information about this project or other products in the Walsn line, please contact info@walsn.com