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Walsn Reinforces Its Technical Support and Service Capabilities


Walsn Reinforces Its Technical Support and Service Capabilities | Walsn

To provide both effective and reliable technical support and sales service to users across the northwest China and the economic integration of countries along the route of the historic Silk Road, Walsn reinforced its technical support and sales service capabilities by opening a new office in Xian, Shaanxi, China in July 2021. 

Located in northwest China, Xian is regarded as a significant hub of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a transcontinental long-term policy and investment program which aims to “promote the connectivity of Asian, European and African continents and their adjacent seas, establish and strengthen partnerships among these countries, and set up all-dimensional, multi-tiered and composite connectivity networks, and realize a diversified, independent, balanced and sustainable development in all of these countries.”

In case you are located in Northwest China and need support in the regions, please contact Walsn’s Xian team at service@walsn.com. And contact us at info@walsn.com in case you are located in one of the countries along the historic Silk Road.